Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thinking About Plagiarizing? Dont!

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

When you hear the word "cheating" what scenarios come to your mind?
  • Copying off of someone's test.  
  • Copying your friends homework because you forgot to do your own. 
These two things are important, but they are only a small part of plagiarism and academic dishonesty. 

As a student it is your obligation to get an honest education. That means, doing your own work, studying for tests, researching and writing your own papers. 

There are many consequences to "cheating" or "plagiarism." 
But the riskiest consequence, is people's ability to trust you as a person. 

Don't let that happen. Make the effort to be a good student. People who engage in academic dishonesty deprive themselves of a good education. 


  1. Three consequence of plagiarism are:
    1.If you don't cite your sources the owner of the original work can sue you.
    2.You can go to jail.
    3. If you make a profit you can be force to give a percentage of the money to the owner.

  2. Consequences:
    Monetary Repercussions
    Legal Repercussion
    Destroyed Student Reputation

  3. Destroy student reputation
    Destroy professional reputation
    Destroy academic reputation

  4. legal reputation
    plagiarism research
    destroy academic reputation
